Elliott Dacher博士は、同時には起こることはない「マインドトーク」と「マインドフルネス」という2つの基本的な働きについて説明しています。片方が活動している時には、もう一方が活動することはありません。
・・・・・以下はWeb上では未公開。[『Understanding Human Behavior: A Guide for Health Care Providers』著者: Alyson Honeycutt,Mary Elizabeth Milliken]
謝辞:英語圏での、「マインドトーク」の使われ方に興味を持たれた8週間プログラム受講者の方が、インターネット検索で上記の英文を見つけ、翻訳してくださいました。厚く御礼申し上げます。 NPO法人 人間性探究研究所
Dr. Elliott Dacher describes two basic activities, mind-talk and mindfulness, that cannot occur simultaneously. When one is active, the other is inactive. Mind-talk is active most of the time and involves thoughts, feelings, mental images, and various sensations. It is the ongoing mental chatter that we all experience, especially when engaged in an active that does not require conscious mental effort. Household tasks, many job tasks, walking, riding an exercycle-these types of activities are accompanied by a stream of mind-talk unless it is consciously controlled.
Stored memories provide the content for mind-talk: it may be factual or psychological, useful or destructive. When mind-talk arouses negative feelings associated with a past experience, we relived a bad experience that cannot be changed. Thus, mind-talk may be the source of ongoing stress. Mind-talk can be so engrossing that a person is out of touch with what is happening at the moment. By taking conscious control, however, an individual can learn to avoid stressful feelings associated with past experience and anxiety related to some anticipated future event.
In contrast to mind-talk, mindfulness must be learned, is self-initiated, and require conscious effort. Mindfulness has three aspects that occur in sequence: attention, concentration, and meditation. One consciously chooses to enter a state of mindfulness, primary by giving full attention to what is happening at the present moment. Full attention to an ongoing activity quickly becomes concentration. A state of mindfulness may be experienced while reading, enjoying some aspect of nature, being involved in an artistic pursuit, cruising the Internet, or being totally absorbed in relating to another person. By shifting from mind-talk to mindfulness, then, one attends to what is happening at present.
Dr. Kabat-Zinn, director of the stress management clinic at the university of Massachusetts Hospital in Boston, describes mindfulness as a means of fully living in the present, which is all we have. The past cannot be changed: the future is yet to be.
・・・・・[Understanding Human Behavior: A Guide for Health Care Providers Alyson Honeycutt,Mary Elizabeth Milliken]